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Writer's pictureMaddison Garland-Tirado

On Faith.

There are important boundaries that you need to set with people when it comes to maintaining your sense of self and the peace that comes with it. This is not saying that we are free to indulge in ignorance for the sake of peace. But it is to say that what brings me peace, might be different than yours. Our religions and belief systems may differ vastly, but when the conversation is centered around our liberation, we must leave our religions at the door, no matter how important they are to us. In order to create a collective future in which everybody eats.

This is a hard debate to have as a muslim because our religion and our messenger is so tied to who we are as individuals. But when the topic is poverty and oppression, we must use our understanding of our religions in order to work together so that none of us suffer the brutal effects of this state imposed poverty. We will not agree on everything. But that is part of democracy and building socialism. It is the fact that many of us will not like working together, and have values that contradict. But if we are ever to find our liberation away from this oppressive capitalist system, that values nothing besides a profit motive. We have no other option but to do it together.

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